Saturday, September 12, 2009

Julia Child’s Boeuf Bourguignon

Have you heard that sometimes real estate agents will bake cookies when they have a showing to make the house smell “homey”? Julia Child’s Boeuf Bourguignon is exactly just like that. My whole house smells like heaven! This is really such an easy dish to make that there is no reason why everyone shouldn’t master it. It does require a little bit of prep, but once you get that done you really just sit back for 3 hours and relax. It’s a perfect entertaining meal because it only gets better the longer it sits. You can easily make this a day ahead and just reheat it when you are ready. So so so good!

Tonight I’m just served this dish with the suggested boiled potatoes and no other vegetables. The recipe recommends some sautéed peas if you need additional veg, but I didn’t feel like that tonight. I pretty much just followed the recipe word for word with the exception of blanching the bacon. I have blanched bacon before and found it later had no taste, so I skipped that step. I also couldn’t get my hands on uncut bacon with the rind so I just used regular bacon…the center cut kind is my favorite. An additional step not in the recipe that I think makes a huge difference and distinguishes this recipe as Julia Child’s…I wore my pearl necklace!

Honestly, I can't say enough good things about this meal.  MAKE IT!  It's one of those meals that you just keep picking at saying, oh I'll just have another little chunk of meat, and well, what's a chunk of meat with out a mushroom and so on and so on.  Haha.  My dog was even going crazy from all the good smells!

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